Here's what the email said:
Your house is located in Lumbisi, its 20 minutes bus ride to USFQ. Your house is located in a small community, very close to USFQ called Lumbisi, and it’s a very safe area. You have easy bus access to
I am TOO GEEKED because:
1. I'm living in Lumbisi which (from what I've heard) is an indigenous community which is GREAT because I'll be close to where I want to volunteer and the community (again, from what I've heard) is small so [hopefully] I'll get to know people and establish relationships.
2. My mom is a housewife which is PERFECT because I can learn lots from her (like cooking, and maybe sewing and whatever other motherly things she may do on a regular basis).
3. I'm getting two younger siblings. 8 years old is a great age. They're the same age as my cousin Maka who is into Disney Channel and a bunch of other lame things that I still enjoy as an almost 20-year-old. So maybe they'll be into some cool Ecuadorian/Latin American 8-year-old thing that I'll fall in love with (like High School Musial:El Desafio).
4. I'm not going to be in a wild party environment.
5. Living in Lumbisi for a semester would be a great taste for what my life may be like as a Peace Corps volunteer in a couple years.
So living in Lumbisi shall be fun, but it also may be a challenge because:
1. I don't think I'll have access to internet at home. So no constant facebooking, blogging, skyping, etc (which is a blessing low key because it'll force me to live in the moment and interact with my familia)
2. As a minority, I'm not sure how the community will respond to me. I was told that since it is a small indigenous community many people may have never seen anyone like me before. This could also be a blessing because perhaps I can shatter whatever stereotypes they may have through example.
I can't wait to look back on posts like these when I come back and compare my preconceived notions to how things really ended up happening lol.
I pray that this housing situation works out great and I learn a lot and establish many close relationships. Less than 2 weeks. Too geeked =)
You will almost definitely watch Disney channel en espanol or at least some silly kids movies. hehe :) I'm so excited for you! I'm not sure if I met that family before, but it sounds like you'll have a blast!