(Translated into English)
Setting: dinner table, last night. Eating llapingachos (which I helped to cook!)
· Mom (Guadalupe, host mom)
· Cristina (8 year old host sister)
· Felipe (8 year old host brother)
· Me (duh)
Me: So according to some website, raffael correa [president of Ecuador], was ranked the 8th best looking of all of the presidents in the world
Mom: YES!! I totally agree with that! He’s quite handsome *huge smile*
Felipe: *while eating* He has the eyes of a Chinese man…. You only like him because he kissed you on the cheek when he came here to Lumbisí!
Mom: Shut up!
Cristina: Hes sooooo ugly! He should have been the UGLIEST! Soooo ugly! YOU ONLY LIKE HIM BECAUSE HE GAVE YOU A KISS!!!
Mom: *frown*Shut up!!! You’re exaggerating! And what about Obama?
Me: I think he was number 3 or 4. He was up there too.
Mom: I agree with that too! He’s handsome as well
Felipe: And what about Michael Jackson? What number was he?
Mom: FE-LI-PE!!! Shut UP!
Cristina: And who was last?
Me: The president of Russia, I think
Cristina: If my dad were president, he would be the UGLIEST one!!!
Mom: SHUT UP!!! And if YOU were president?
Cristina: I wouldn’t wanna be president.
Mom: Well I wanna be president… of Lumbisí!
Cristina: Then YOU would be the ugliest!!!
Mom: Shut up!!!
Cristina: Who was the best looking?
Me: The president of Canada. A woman
Felipe: *eyes light up* Yeah, I heard she was pretty sexy!!!!!
And so on and so forth.
Did I ever say how much I love my host family? (=